Capstone – Mock Oral Exam
Evaluation of Fellow’s Mock Oral Fact Finding Capstone
Fellow’s Name:___________
Date of Examination:___________
Rater: Use the following scale for all items:
1= Unacceptable
2= Needs Improvement
3= Satisfactory for independent practice in neuropsychology
4= Excellent- well above expectation.
Did the fellow inquire about all relevant historical information to the case? _____
Did the fellow demonstrate understanding of the important historical information by follow-up questioning, voicing their thought process, and summarizing pertinent information?_____
Did the fellow inquire about all relevant behavioral observations to the case? _____
Did the fellow demonstrate understanding of the observation information by follow-up questioning, voicing their thought process, and summarizing pertinent information? _____
Did the fellow inquire about all relevant testing observations/scores for this case? _____
Did the fellow show accurate understanding of relevant test administration, interpretation, or score materials presented for the case? _____
Did the fellow show good interpretative abilities of the domain level test data presented? _____
Did the fellow accurately summarize the patient’s test data? _____
Did the fellow present an accurate brain/behavior relationship based on the material presented? _____
Was the case conceptualization presented accurate and well thought out? _____
Was the differential diagnosis appropriately explored? _____
Were treatment recommendations accurate, appropriate, and comprehensive? _____
What other feedback do you have for the fellow?_____